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A Practical Guide to Golf Travel: What to Pack & How to Prepare

When you’re teeing up for your next golf holiday, it always pays to be fully prepared. This means reading up on the greens you’re expecting to play on so you have all the info required to perfect your game, and of course, making sure you’ve got all the supplies you need.
Depending on where you’ll be travelling to on your next golf getaway, you might need more than just the essentials, however. Bad weather, particular dress codes and other variables can play a part in how you prepare for your golf trip.
If you’re looking for a little extra direction while preparing for an upcoming golf trip, then be sure to follow this practical guide.

practical golf

Secure Travel Insurance to Safeguard your Equipment

First and foremost, there are always concerns for your equipment when packing for a golf holiday. Alongside golf bags having to be registered as oversized luggage, transporting your equipment can also come with risks of your clubs getting damaged or even lost altogether. So regardless of where you’re travelling, it’s imperative that you secure travel insurance ahead of time.
Having the right insurance in place means you have peace of mind, knowing that if something unfortunate happens (like your luggage getting lost, for instance), then you’ll have a contingency plan in place. In short, there are countless things that can lead to a trip coming in below par but with the right travel insurance in place, you can be confident your golf travel will be a hole-in-one.

Get Your Golf Bag Ready

With insurance sorted, it’s time to think about what you’ll actually be bringing along in your golf bag. As every golfer knows, there are more gadgets and accessories available for golfers than ever before nowadays. When you’re packing your golf bag, make sure that you focus on the essentials and avoid packing all those things you probably won’t need.
Start with your clubs and accessories. Check them, double-check them and then check once more. Make sure you have everything you need, including club head covers to ensure you’re moving your clubs safely. Then there’s the clubs themselves – while you’re unlikely to forget your irons, it’s common to arrive without a putter, your driver or being short a wedge or two.
And whether you’re a seasoned pro or this is your first golf trip, make sure that you pack plenty of golf balls. Pros typically pack twelve balls when they’re playing on courses around the world, so we recommend you do the same.

Read Up on your Destination and Clubs/Facilities

Before you start packing your bags, it’s always wise to research your destination, both to get the lay of the land (or the green), but to also ensure you’re packing appropriately. After all, playing golf in Scotland during the winter is very different from playing on Hamilton Island.
Yes, having a good idea of what the weather is likely to be like will ensure that you pack the right gear. But alongside climate conditions, travellers will also need to consider things like club dress codes. In the United States, for instance, some country clubs have very strict dress codes for not only the green but also dining facilities as well – so be sure to enquire at the clubs you’ll be frequenting to ensure you’re dressed appropriately.

Choose The Right Clothing

Once you have a good understanding of the climate you will be golfing in, you can start getting your golf attire organised. Remember, you will want comfortable clothes for the journey there and back – nobody wants to travel in a collared shirt. That being said, you’ll also need golf-specific clothes and you will need something to wear in the evenings when you come off the course too.
Naturally, you want to roll out onto the course in style but you also want to be comfortably dressed to ensure you can play at your best. Keeping this in mind, avoid bringing brand-new, unworn clothes and shoes with you. Nobody wants to wear in a new pair of shoes on a holiday.
And whatever you do, don’t forget to pack a cap, sunglasses, golf shoes and your golf gloves. You will also need to bring a wash bag as well as sunscreen, any medications you take and handicap certification from your local club.

Train in the Leadup to your Golf Holiday

Golf trips can be busy. While you might be used to playing a round or two per week back home, on a golf holiday, you could be playing two rounds in a single day. To ensure you get the most out of your trip, it’s worth doing a little training ahead of time. Going for a solid walk every morning or evening will help you build up the stamina you need to enjoy your golf.
When it comes to your golf game, you’re not going to completely transform your game in just a few weeks. However, working on your swing at the driving range, honing your chipping and putting game at your club’s practice green and squeezing in a few extra rounds where you can will definitely stand to you and help you to perform at your best.

Tee Your Next Golf Holiday Up To Be A Success

Following the advice laid out above, you can be sure that you will arrive prepped and ready to play your best on your next golf trip. Remember to do your research ahead of time to ensure you know what to expect. With all of your golf gear ready and your travel essentials in place, you can relax, enjoy the trip and play to your full potential.