Most golfers, at some time, will either suffer a back injury or will be restricted in playing golf due to Back or Neck Pain.
Good posture and spinal mobility are essential, not only to improve back swing and follow-through in golf, but will also help prevent spinal and musculo-skeletal injuries. E.g. Disc lesions, Muscular strain, Joint Stiffness, etc. Here is a simple self-test to see if your back is at risk when playing golf. See what you get out of thirteen.
Causes of Back Pain Check List
[] Previous occupational and domestic injuries that are aggravated by golf. E.g. prolonged sitting in a car or at a desk, poor seating at home, gardening and/or poor lifting technique.
[] Prolonged bending in golf practice.
[] Prolonged practicing.
[] Weak muscle groups related to golf. E.g. Abdominals, glutei and hamstrings.
[] Predisposing pathology, e.g. arthritis, disc lesions, history of back pain.
[] Excessive forceful movements during "follow-through stage" of the swing.
[] Constant flexing and straightening up after taking your shot.
[] Picking up practice balls without bending your knees.
[] Slow competition, e.g. prolonged standing while waiting for the group who are playing the hole in front.
[] Incorrect lifting, assembling and handling of golf buggy and golf bag.
[] Repeated twisting component involved with "back-swing" and "follow-through".
[] Most importantly, not carrying out preventative stretches prior, during and after playing golf.
[] Have not had a lesson for several months from your Golf Professional. This ensures safe and effective technique.
Wrong bending technique |
Good set up |
8-13 High risk
4-7 Danger zone
1-3 Be aware
How Many Times are you in a "Stressed" Flexed Position while Golfing? [] Driving your car to the golf course Scoring: |
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