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Sureshot Golf GPS

This is a hand-held device that clips to your golf bag and shows you the distance to every hazard and green on the course. Distances are provided to front and back of greens and bunkers.

Sureshot is an Australian-based company, and their database covers over 1500 Australian courses – every course you’re likely to play, plus over 14,000 courses worldwide.

Simply download software from, plug in your Sureshot, and download the courses you require.

Sureshot has a bright full colour screen with large font size, designed for optimum readability in sunlight.

The unit includes a scoring and analysis module which can be uploaded to your computer. It also allows you to map your own course or to edit the professional maps after download.

The latest model 8850 (right) comes with a rrp of $369 which includes the ability to load 3 courses for a year. This can be upgraded to 10 courses which may be interchanged at any time for $29.95pa or 100 courses for a lifetime membership fee of $49.95.

A budget Sureshot Micro is offered at $249 rrp, lifetime membership $29.95 stores 20 interchangeable maps from the worldwide database.

Tel: (03) 8872 6700

“As Editor of The Golf Course Guide I play at many new golf courses. I’ve used a Sureshot for years, and found it invaluable to take the guesswork out of club selection. I also use it at my home Club – it saves time looking for distances on sprinkler heads, plus of course it shows distances to hazards, back and front of green etc.”  Selwyn Berg.

For more information visit