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MGI Motorised Golf Buggies

MGI - Australia’s largest manufacturer and distributor of motorised golf buggies

There are many reasons why MGI is the largest and the preferred supplier to the golf industry and some if not all of these reasons are why you will want to buy a motorised buggy from MGI.

  • MGI motorised Caddies are the most reliable buggies. MGI has the quality control of its product because we are the manufacturers and continually strive for perfection
  • MGI Caddies are the most user friendly and have the technology that makes for ease of use
  • MGI motorised Caddies are the most innovative buggies in the world. From electronically controlled cruise control to tame those undulating and hilly courses, to automatic braking, battery indication, light weight chassis, navigation systems and remote control for the golfer wanting everything, MGI is the only company that has it all. MGI is truly no limit
  • MGI is committed to quality of product and has service centres Australia wide, including mobile service vans
  • Buying a motorised buggy is a serious purchase.  It is an investment of your money and not to be treated lightly
  • When you buy a buggy from MGI you are buying a buggy that will give you many years of reliable service
  • When you buy a buggy from MGI you can rest in comfort knowing that for the life of the buggy MGI will be around to look after your investment
  • MGI’s buggies are not the cheapest, but they are the best. Can you afford to buy something less than the best?  When you consider what you are going to expect from your motorised buggy, buying on price alone will only give you trouble. If it is cheap, that is what you will get
  • MGI invests much money annually in Australia on research and development. Its pursuit to maintain its world leadership is your gain
  • When you buy an MGI buggy you are buying a buggy that has evolved over many years. You gain from MGI’s commitment to ever improving its product.
  • You can be proud to own an MGI buggy

At the end of the day, the real question is, can you afford not to buy a buggy from MGI?  With MGI’s innovative purchase programs, for only a few extra dollars you can have state of the art technology, peace of mind and a symbol to yourself and your friends that you deserve the best the world has to offer.

Where and How to Buy an MGI Motorised Buggy?

MGI motorised buggies are available from all golf retail outlets and golf professionals. Many golf retailers and golf course professionals have a number of our models on the floor. To find out more visit (or if you’re  in the USA visit
