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How to Protect Yourself When Playing Outdoor Sports

Outdoor sports have numerous benefits not only to your health but in the social aspect of your life as well. In terms of the former, you will be able to build strong bones and muscles with outdoor sports, paving the way for a greater looking physique. In terms of the latter, you will be able to practice sportsmanship and camaraderie as you compete with and alongside like-minded individuals. However, to ensure that you reap the benefits of outdoor sports, you need to put your safety first, and below are some of the ways on how you will be able to do so.



Protect Your Head

Some of the most physical outdoor sports such as football or cycling entail the need for you to wear a helmet to protect your head from injuries. For other sports such as golf or hiking, a hat may already be sufficient, not really as protection from injuries, but from the rays of the sun. In this case, you can choose from various designs of golf sun hats with a wide brim, while boasting of lightweight and breathable features. Not only is your head properly protected, but you are also comfortable while wearing it too, ensuring that it won’t get in the way of your game.

Use Specific Personal Protective Equipment

Certain outdoor sports may get extremely physical, such that aside from a helmet, some knee and elbow pads may prove to be beneficial as well. In case you are playing a contact sport such as outdoor basketball, you may need to wear a mouthguard too. A dentist can tailor fit one for you. For men, wearing a protective cup or an athletic supporter to protect their testicles as they participate in outdoor sports.

Apply sunscreen

While playing outdoor sports is of course a great experience, remember that the rays of the sun may cause skin ailments. For this reason, it is a good idea to always apply sunscreen before you play. As much as possible, reapply from time to time, especially if you need to be under the sun for several hours. You can also use sunglasses that are designed for sports activities as well to shield your eyes from the glare of the sun. In parallel to this, since you will be under the sun for quite some time, make sure that you have sufficient water with you to keep you properly hydrated at all times.




To wrap things up, one of the primary parts of your body that you need to protect when playing outdoor sports is your head, which is prone to injuries. To do this, make sure to wear a hat or a specific PPE such as a helmet for your head. In parallel to this, knee pads and elbow pads can also offer you added protection. Also, make sure to shield your skin and eyes from the harmful rays of the sun by applying sunscreen and or using sunglasses designed for sporting activities. In the end, you will be able to enjoy outdoor sports more if you are properly protected.