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How To Improve Your Golf Swing in 5 Easy Steps

Have you been swinging that golf club only to find that you get more misses than hits?
Or that when you actually do hit the ball, its actual trajectory is way off from where you wanted it to go?
While many of these problems could stem from a number of technical problems; your stance is wrong, your grip is too tight, you lacked on the follow through, and many others. But it all comes down to one thing - your golf swing needs work. It could be a few minor things you need to change or it could be just one thing you aren’t doing right. The game of golf relies on precision and when something is off - big or small - it can impact the whole game.
One could even say that Golf is the most technical sport to play. If you’ve had golf lessons or checked a few tutorials online, you have probably already heard all the guidelines to getting that perfect swing. While it is essential to keep a solid technique as your foundation, there is a bit more to it than just making sure your feet are a shoulder-width apart. Using best golf equipment also help you step up your game.
When focusing too much on the technical aspects of it all, you might end up practicing how to make your swing look good. While that maybe one thing to help improve it, you end up wasting too much energy looking good than actually getting a good result out of it. First things first, your goal is to get that ball into the hole. If you look good while doing it, then that should be a bonus.
Ball in hole - easy, right?
While it can seem simple, a true golfer knows it can be a challenging endeavor. Especially when you’ve been practicing all the wrong things. To make it easier for you, here are 5 different things you can do to make your golf swing better.

  1. Lower To Get Farther

If you’ve been finding that a constant problem you face when you play involves distance, a quick hack to get more distance from your ball is to go a bit lower. This will help minimize the arc on your swing. I don’t want to bore you with the physics of it all but the shorter swing arc basically translates to a lower trajectory, which means you get less height but more distance. Be careful; don’t go too low.

  1. Watch Your Left Shoulder

Have you ever had your golf instructor remind you to twist your shoulders? This movement is a difficult one to track if you’re playing but it is an obvious mistake when observed in others. One way to help you ensure that you’re getting the right amount of shoulder twist on your pivot is by keeping an eye on your left shoulder. As you start on your back swing, make sure that your left shoulder (if you are right-handed; right shoulder if you are left-handed) enters that space below your chin. When you swing forward, your shoulder simply twists back in place. Avoid twisting your shoulders too far back on your follow through. By monitoring your shoulder movement, you’ll be able to get a smoother and more powerful swing.

  1. Slower can be Better

Don’t be tempted to mimic the pros and, instead, try to find the right speed for yourself. With tons of practice, you’ll be able to swing faster but, if you want better results in your current game, finding your own tempo something you need to work on. While you still have to put in some power on your swing, too much power isn’t the best way to go. Slowing down your swing will help you allow the club to put in the work for you and it also helps you focus on how you hit the ball instead of just how hard you swing the club.

  1. Back Foot on The Ground

Your stance is important. When you swing the club, make sure that your right foot (if you are right handed) stays anchored to the ground. This is a simple way to maintain your stance but it is also extremely effective in making sure that you get a more stable and powerful swing in. However, before you even start to swing, this tip is only effective if you have already established a good stance to start.
I’m sure you’ve heard it all the time: a good stance is a prerequisite to a good swing. When your stance is too narrow or too wide, it will be harder to balance your swing - and even harder to get the right momentum to give power to it too.

  1. Use Your Body

A common mistake made by most amateur players is relying too much on their arms. It may seem natural to use your arm power to swing but, in reality, you won’t get much from it. The goal is to get the power from your body. The prior tip is actually key to this one. When you get in a good stance, you’re better able to use your body in powering your swing.
These steps won’t make you a pro golfer right away but with some practice, you’ll find that you can get better results each time you’re at the golf course. However, the real step you need to take is knowing that there are areas you need to work on.
Well, you’re reading this article and that means you’ve already taken the first major step towards improvement. If you want to effectively improve your skills however, you’ll still need to set the rest of the steps into action.

Author Bio:

            Bobby Hurst Is the founder of He has been an avid golfer and instructor for over 20 years. He has always been passionate about the sport for as long as he can remember and considers the site as a passion project where he gets to share his love of golf with other avid golfers. He considers golf to be a sport that exercises both the mind and body; which is why you will constantly find him out on the course at least once a week. He enjoys trying out new techniques, and equipment. You can find his golfing tips, and reviews on golfing equipment on his site.