I will state it from the start; I think the Odyssey White Hot 2 ball putter is possibly the most unattractive putter I have seen. Anyone that saw me use it in the trial laughed, my father simply said "you’ve gotta be joking" and others have been even less flattering. I had negative vibes when I first pulled it from the bag. I knew professional golfers around the world were using it but what does it look like!
Well, one round later I was amazed. Maybe it is just me, but it suited my game down to the ground. I go on record as saying it is the best putter I have ever used and it has achieved Hacker’s first ever 5 star rating! What makes it work – who cares! I really can’t say what makes it so good. Odyssey will say in their blurb that the unique 2-ball design (that accounts for much of its ugly looks) provides accurate alignment at address and promotes an ideal stroke path. It must because I found over around five rounds that it did!
The blurb will say that the White Hot insert technology provides exceptionally soft feel and distance control. It does. In fact I have never enjoyed using insert putters – for me they have been too soft, but not this baby.
I can honestly say I did not three putt in five rounds – save for a four putt, and I had excuses. A two footer, downhill, down wind (a hurricane), I lipped out and ended up off the green 30 feet away. It took three more smashes up hill and into the wind to get back to the hole – but that’s another story.
The putter is relatively expensive, however you play for show and putt for dough as the saying goes and we all know that over 30% of our shots in any given round are with the magic wand. That said, maybe it’s good value for money!
Actually the looks grow on you and the embarrassment of taking your ugly duckling out in public diminish as you sink more and more putts. Your mates will start saying "give me a look at that thing" and "let me have a try".
Enough said – this little black duck thinks it’s that good!
Price: RRP $399
For: Easy to use – and it works!
Against: Looks don’t appeal
How it rates: * * * * *
5 El Supremo 4 Pretty damn good
3 On the ball 2 Okay 1 Crap