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Tatt'orial - pay your respect to a Club member

tatt'orialTatt’orial is a unique way of paying respect to the passing of an associate, team player, friend or family member.

The traditionally used black tape on sports people’s arms does not represent who or what that person meant to the club or organization.

He or she was a friend, family member, associate to the club, supporter or just a good person.

Tatt’orial is to express and display grief with respect and memory.

Tatt’ orial puts a name and a club to the passing of someone that they knew!

To the left is an example of a design for golfers of Australia.

A sleeve with Velcro attachments will be available to your subscribers. Their logo and past member, friend or affiliates name will be placed on the Tatt’orial.

To view and order visit our website it can be delivered to almost anywhere in Australia from 24-48 hours
